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Top Three Tips Of Creating Your Gulf-Breeze Property’s Remarkable Walk-Through Video

In recent times, finding suitable tenants has become more challenging than ever. You need home property management tips to continue generating revenue from your rental properties. Property-tour continues to gain a significant response in the modern marketing landscape. The outbreak of Coronavirus in 2019 significantly reduced in-person viewings. Professional photos enhance online listing, but they can’t achieve what a virtual tour does. Are you interested in making a professional quality property-tour video?

Use these tips:

Prepare The Property Sufficiently

It’s worth noting that the video tour will be a crucial marketing tool for your property. Before embarking on filming, ensure that your apartment is in its best shape. Clear any personal items and other mess from the visibility. Other things to consider include:

  • Open the blinds to allow the flow of natural light and air to enhance the video’s quality
  • Conduct the tour during midday to maximize the use of the light
  • Consider using mirrors in the home to maximize the space
  • If necessary, conduct or repairs and fixtures before filming the house
  • Ensure that the property looks professional, fresh, and complete for the tenant to move into the premises.

Plan The Filming Route

Avoid filming spontaneously. Plan to do the filming in an orderly manner for the prospective client can follow with ease. It’s advisable to start your filming from the central doorway. The person watching the video will get an impression of an actual in-house tour. In every room, select a filming point with a magnificent vintage space. Stand at the area and move the camera slowly across the room for the potential client to get a good glimpse of the space. Note that some tenants pay attention to finer details of a house, such as shapes of corners. Standing at a strategic point is going to facilitate the filming for an objective video.

Acquire Panorama Photography Equipment

Individuals looking for professional and more traditional virtual tours don’t have to film a walk-through video. All you need is to take a panoramic photo of the specific rooms. Potential tenants can get the impression of the space they’re looking for by scrolling through the images. Several applications allow landlords to create panorama property view images. They include:

  • Google Camera App (For Android)
  • Street View App (iOs)
  • Google’s Tour Creator
  • MagicPlan

In the absence of these applications, you can utilize your phone’s camera feature. The smartphone camera will give viewers a stripped three-dimension image. If you’re a Gulf-Breeze-based landlord and would like to create a walk-through video for your property, these tips will help you a lot.

Contact a Professional Property Manager

Are you looking for tools to market your Gulf-Breeze Property? Contact a home property management company for more tips. Access latest information on properties and learn more about our agency at
Address: 225 N Pace Blvd
Pensacola FL 32505

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